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Friday, December 6, 2013

Indian Engineering Students Recognize the Significance of Magnetic Field Fuel Level Sensing

As I was doing presentation research a potential automotive client and I ran across an undergraduate paper in engineering that listed our technology as a system to utilize for fuel level measurement on engineering project cars - complete with a picture of our aviation sensor system.

I was encouraged  -  The next generation of engineers seem to easily embrace the difference and improvement  AMR sensing provides to fuel level.

Fuel Level Paper

Every day in the lab and every day aircraft owners see the benefits that accurate fuel level provides, and shake our heads at the level of accuracy we have become used to in our cars.

In preparing my meeting notes,  I made the realization that the current resistive technology has remained unchanged in our gas or diesel vehicles for 85 years.

It is probably the only system that a pioneering automotive engineer of the early 20th century would recognize and understand on a modern automobile

The carburetor left current production cars in 1990 and in light trucks in 1994.

It's time to throw the old potentiometer fuel level  to the curb.

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